Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are You Seeking the Proof of Truth?

Many people expend a lot of mental, emotional and spiritual energy seeking FEAR (false-evidence-appearing-real).  They look for the proof that they are inadequate, undeserving, and or unworthy.  They wallow in fear, doubt, worry, hesitation, and procrastination.  Why would people do this you may ask?  Because it's familiar, it's comfortable and it's easier than being brave and looking for the proof of truth

While coaching the 5 new participants in my 6-week Art of Fear-Free Living course, I recall one of the participants focusing on the fear of being successful.  I asked her to take some time to think about and write down 10 past moments when she was successful.  She was excited to know there was the possibility that she was a success.  A simple exercise she performed with profound rewards!  Why is it so easy to look for defeat in our lives and difficult to seek the proof of truth?  We've become trained to look for the negative instead of being courageous enough to seek the positive, the brilliance within us.  I encouraged her to find one thing everyday that she has been successful at and to celebrate it.  This will help her develop the habit of looking for the greatness within herself and learn how to celebrate her genius.  I have no doubt she will incorporate this small action in her life that will help her take BIG leaps in her journey towards mastering the Art of Fear-Free Living. 

Mastering the Art of Fear-Free Living is simply a journey of truth.  A journey where you seek, discover, embrace, speak, live and share the truth about who you are, why you are here and what you were created to be and do in the world.  What are you giving your mental, emotional and spiritual energy to?

Which one is true of you?  Are you intentionally or subconsciously seeking False Evidence Appearing Real or are you seeking the proof of truth?  The truth that you are wise, brilliant, loving, successful and resilient.  The truth that you deserve love, success and happiness.  The truth that you are worthy of prosperity, fulfillment and life satisfaction.  Maybe you should do this simply profound exercise, maybe you need some proof that you are a brilliant genius who knows exactly what you need.

Take some time today and think about your life and make your proof lists and then use them as fuel to light the fire within you to begin mastering the Art of Fear-Free Living.

1.  List 10 moments you created, experienced and were responsible for the success in your life.

2.  List 10 reasons why you deserve love, success and happiness.

3.  List 10 moments when you were wise, brilliant and allowed your genius to shine.

If you desire to live more courageous and BE brave in your life you must stop focusing on FEAR (false-evidence-appearing-real) and intentionally with every fiber of your being begin focusing on creating, seeking and celebrating the PROOF OF TRUTH.  Mastering the Art of Fear-Free Living is all about a choice.  You must move beyond thinking about it and be about it.  That means quit dreaming about being fearless and instead get up, take a step, step in the dark if you have to, fail or succeed and keep taking steps. 

You can do it, I know you can if you choose...and seek the truth with each courageous step!


May God be with you on your journey...Follow my blog for more real-life stories in my journey, the journey of others and inspirational life empowerment strategies to help you wake up your champion within.

Catrice M. Jackson, the Courage Coach
International Keynote Speaker and Author
America's Delicious Life Expert™
For booking and coaching information visit my website.

All Rights Reserved. Catrice M. Jackson Emerge Consulting, LLC © 2011.

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